Navigating Child Custody and Visitation: Understanding the Factors at Play


When navigating the challenging terrain of divorce, child custody and visitation decisions often stand out as pivotal points of concern. Courts prioritize the best interests of the child, and understanding the factors that influence custody and visitation decisions is crucial for parents seeking clarity during this emotional process.

The Best Interests of the Child Standard

In family law, the "best interests of the child" standard is the guiding principle in determining child custody and visitation arrangements. Courts consider various factors to ensure the child's well-being and overall development are prioritized.

Factors Influencing Child Custody Decisions:

  1. Child's Age and Developmental Needs:

    • Courts assess the age of the child and their developmental stage. Younger children may require more frequent contact with both parents, while older children might have preferences considered by the court.
  2. Parent-Child Relationship:

    • The strength and quality of the existing relationship between each parent and the child play a significant role. Courts look at the emotional bonds and connections formed over time.
  3. Stability and Continuity:

    • Maintaining stability in the child's life is a key consideration. Courts may favor the parent who can provide a consistent and secure environment, minimizing disruptions to the child's routine.
  4. Parental Fitness and Capacity:

    • Courts evaluate the physical and mental health of each parent. A parent's ability to meet the child's needs, provide a safe home, and foster a positive environment is crucial.
  5. Co-Parenting Ability:

    • The willingness and ability of each parent to support a healthy co-parenting relationship are important. Courts often encourage cooperation and effective communication between parents.
  6. Work Schedule and Availability:

    • A parent's work schedule and availability to spend quality time with the child are considered. Flexibility and the ability to be actively involved in the child's life are favorable factors.

Factors Influencing Visitation Decisions:

  1. Geographic Proximity:

    • The distance between the residences of each parent is a practical consideration. Courts assess how easily the child can transition between households without disrupting their daily life.
  2. Workable Schedules:

    • Crafting a visitation schedule that aligns with the child's school, extracurricular activities, and the parents' work commitments is essential. Flexibility in scheduling is often encouraged.
  3. Parental Cooperation:

    • Courts value parents who can cooperate and facilitate a positive relationship between the child and the noncustodial parent. Willingness to adhere to visitation agreements is crucial.
  4. Consistency in Rules and Discipline:

    • Maintaining consistency in rules and discipline across both households helps provide stability for the child. Courts look at the ability of each parent to establish and enforce appropriate boundaries.


Navigating child custody and visitation decisions requires a nuanced understanding of the legal landscape and a commitment to putting the child's best interests first. Working with an experienced family law attorney, such as Robert G. Frank ESQ, can provide invaluable guidance during this challenging time. By understanding the factors considered in these decisions, parents can approach the process with clarity and advocate for the well-being of their children.

Contact Us


Service Type
Divorce Lawyer, Matrimonial Law, Child Custody and Visitation
Provider name
Robert G. Frank ESQ, 98-20 Metropolitan Ave, Forest Hills,New York-11375,
Telephone: 718.268.2152
Mobile: 718.634.5080
NY Metro Area including all NYC, Long Island and Westchester